Please ensure you meet the following before starting the signup process.
If you meet the above, please complete the human check below and click Next
We will need your name and address to properly assign you games, validate your information, and ensure that games assigned to you are within a reasonable travel distance. Your E-Mail address and phone number will be used to alert you to game assignments and changes.
Password must be at least four characters long
Provide a name and phone number we can use to reach someone in an emergency. We will only use this information to alert someone that something happened to you while you were officiating a game.
Use the box below to relay any relevant information for assignment consideration.
Ensuring your data is correct is key to getting assignments and alerts when there are open games. Review your data before you hit submit to ensure everything is correct. Use the Previous button at the bottom to go back and make corrections. It's important that you do not use your browsers back button to go back to previous section to make edits.
We need your name and address to properly assign you games, validate your information, and ensure that games assigned to you are within a reasonable travel distance. Your E-Mail address and phone number will be used to alert you to game assignments and changes.
Because you are under the age of 18, you must provide parent/guardian contact information.